Effective Bed Bug Control Methods For Homeowners
When living in a very peaceful place, what could spoil the seemingly relaxing experience for you? The possibilities are endless, of course, but let’s focus on the mundane, like pests. Pests may sometimes pose danger, but for the most part, they’re a nuisance – like an itch that wouldn’t go away.
Get Rid of Cockroaches Fast!I never thought I’d be writing about cockroaches, but apparently this is quite the problem. In fact, there is a study in the New England Journal of Medicine entitled, The Role of Cockroach Allergy and Exposure to Cockroach Allergen in Causing Morbidity among Inner-City Children with Asthma. At the conclusion of this study, they determined that, “The combination of cockroach allergy and exposure to high levels of this allergen may help explain the frequency of asthma-related health problems in inner-city children.”
What Does Your Bed Bug Report Card Look Like? Did You Pass or Fail?Few communities actually know what they need to know or understand the importance of bed bugs, which is of great concern for multi-unit properties. In most cases, there are no rules, policies or procedures. Find out how to create a safe environment for all.
5 Effective Tips to Get Rid of Mice From Your GarageStressed with the presence of mice in your garage? Mouse control experts bring 5 highly effective tips to help you with this problem.
Pest Control Companies – Know How You Can Benefit By Hiring a Reputed OneThere are numerous pest control companies in the market claiming to be the best. Think wisely and make a smart approach in order to ensure an appropriate selection allowing you to avail the most efficient and reliable pest elimination.
Watch Out For These Pests As Fall StartsFall is here; with the weather cooling off and the kids back in school after the summer vacation, your thoughts may be turning toward the holidays and not so much on the lazy days of sand, sun and beach. The time is here to also think about what kind of pests will cause problems at this time of the year.
Before Your Home Is Fumigated, Take These StepsMany homes need to be fumigated to eliminate pests. Heavy infestations of bed bugs, termites, and other pesky creatures that cannot be gotten rid of in other ways can be destroyed by the powerful chemicals used in fumigation.
American Roaches – Frequently Asked QuestionsThey don’t discriminate – One of the most unwanted house guests is the American Cockroach. These highly adaptive buggers can make any home or business there property overnight. They can infiltrate, multiply, and infest almost overnight creating an out of control problem before you ever even see any sign of a cockroach. Although the “dirty” homes and businesses are more at risk, that is not always necessary for them to happily nest in your clean residence. They are adaptive to just about anywhere if you don’t take a few precautionary steps to keep your home and business a roach free zone.
3 Ways to Effectively Use Snake RepellersSnakes are pests that like many vermin upset properties by leaving droppings and other waste around the property. The very next level is where some snakes are very deadly and can harm occupants. Snakes have a diet of small animals also and pose a great threat for homes with pets.
Effective Control of Fungus GnatsFungus gnats like any other harmful insects can destroy your houseplants. These very tiny and dark-colored flies are approximately two to five millimeters long and thrive in damp places.