PetraTools Backpack Fogger Starter Guide | How To Use The Best Fogger [2021]

How To Tell If You Have Bed Bugs – Four Ways You Can Trust

How do you know if you have bed bugs? – 4 ways of knowing before you try any treatment method.

Mosquitoes and Pets: Mosquito Pet Protection Basics

Mosquitoes and pets do not live in harmony! Mosquitoes will use your pets’ blood to make eggs just as they do your own. Here are some mosquito control tips to help you protect your pets from the type of mosquito attacks you try to avoid yourself. These mosquito pet protection basics are easy to apply in and around your home.

6 Simple Steps to Get Rid of Pests and Termites

In any home or office, one of the main concerns that most people face is a termite or pest infestation. Such is the nuisance that it has destroyed several homes and every year, millions of worth of properties are wasted due to an infestation. But what is the solution to these problems? A few decades ago, one might have said that there is no cure to an infestation

Guidelines to Choose Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets

Insecticidal Nets are popularly known as mosquito nets and they are an extremely important tool to keep you healthy in an area which is infested by insects. They are extremely important to safe guard you in a relief camp as you will be living in make-shift tents which cannot be fully closed and small insects find a way to seep into these tents.

4 Easy Ways To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes

If you live in a humid area mosquitoes are definitely a big problem. The cool thing is that there are number of things that you can do to get rid of these annoying bugs. Here are some of the things that you can do: Use skin repellents – Skin repellents prevent mosquitoes from getting on your skin. Most of the repellents in the market have two main active ingredients: N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET) and picaridin.

Mosquito Control Systems FAQs: Facts About Mosquito Sprays

Questions and Answers relating to mosquito control systems, including some facts about mosquito sprays. It is important to plan in fall and winter for springtime; because mosquito control will much more difficult once the eggs have hatched!

Mosquito Control and Climate Change: Is There a Connection?

Mosquito control and global warming seem to be connected. This may be due to global warming leading to climate change, and in increase in winter and early spring ambient temperatures. Here is how to plan for this and help prevent avoidable mosquito attacks in winter and early spring.

Can a Mosquito Misting System Help You in Winter?

A mosquito misting system can help to protect you from mosquito attacks in the spring. You must start planning now, because global warming may result in mosquitoes visiting you sooner than you think.

Do Not Let Pests Invade Your Sweet Home

Bed bugs are blood-sucking pests that spoil your sleep at night. They cause health hazards and the best way to get rid of them is to appoint pest-controlling professionals, who know the best ways to trap them.

The Truth About DEET

Mosquitoes cause disease so many health ‘experts’ say to use DEET. But DEET is a known health risk. Why do ‘exerts’ encourage DEET and what else can be used?

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