Product Review: KIMO Backpack Sprayer

Click here to read the reviews of the Kimo Sprayer on Amazon!

Best Ways to Prevent Pests

Nobody likes having intruders and that is what pests are. If it is found that your home or office is the source of easy food and a safe shelter where they won’t be bothered, pests will have no problem making your space their home. Pests are not only unpleasant to look at (after all since when is a rat cute or cockroaches pretty to look at?

5 Pest Control Myths

There are many myths about the pest control among the people. Few of them are- cleaning home will not have mice, bedbugs are not visible to the naked eye, professional pest control treatments are dangerous, ultrasonic repellents as deterrents etc. Read in detail here…

What Do Mosquitoes Eat? (Other Than Blood)

Find out what Mosquitoes eat other than Blood! Why do Mosquitoes Eat Blood? And how can you Eliminate Mosquitoes without the use of pesticides?

Important Points To Keep In Mind While Removing Bed Bugs

We humans face many problems in our day to day life. They affect us in many different ways, some affect us mentally and some physically. The problems, their causes and their effects may be many but we have also devised ways to curb these.

Brace Yourself for the Upcoming Mosquito Season

Alarming news from health organizations regarding the spread of the Zika virus carrying mosquito. Useful tips to prepare for the bug season so you can enjoy your outdoor world.

6 Ways to Get Rid of Mice

If you have been trying to deal with some annoying mice in your kitchen, you are not alone. You may be looking for a way to rid your house of the nasty mice. The good news is that you can use a number of methods to keep the creatures away from your residence. And you don’t have to use poisons either. Let’s find out what methods you can use.

6 Easy Ways to Prevent Mosquito Bites

On a beautiful summer day, it may be tempting to spend a few hours outside your house. But the problem is that the constant scratching from the mosquitoes may ruin your day. In case you don’t know, mosquitoes carry a host of diseases, such as West Nile Virus. As a matter of fact, studies have found that some factors make you more prone to the mosquito bites. For instance, if you are pregnant or have high blood pressure or Type O blood, your chances of getting bitten by these creatures are higher. Let’s find out how you can prevent these blood sucking machine from sucking your blood.

5 Tips to Prevent Mosquito Bites

If you have been looking for a way to repel mosquitoes, experts suggest that you opt for some preventive measures in order to discourage these tiny creatures from landing on you. If you are among these people, we have some easy tips that can help you achieve the same purpose. This will make sure that you and your family will not get dangerous diseases. Therefore, you and your family will stay in good shape. Read on.

Keep Mosquitoes Away From You: 4 Do’s And Don’ts

In summer, it’s hard to fall asleep at night because of the fear that someone is looking for a chance to feast on you. Yes, the tiny creatures are known as mosquitoes. If you have no idea how these insects go about feasting on you, you can use the following do’s and don’ts to keep them away from you. This will help you have sound sleep at night.

Advantage of a Good Mosquito Net

One of the common strategies that are used to repel mosquitoes is mosquito nets. As a matter of fact, it won’t be wrong to say that mosquitoes are the creatures that ruin our sleep, especially in summer. At night, you can’t fall asleep because the environment is full of the buzzes of these tiny creatures ready to suck your blood. If you have been looking for a way to get rid of mosquitoes at night, you can use mosquito nets. Given below are their advantages.

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