Top Five Strategies to Avoid Mosquitoes
Mosquitoes cause annoying bites but also carry disease. Learn how to avoid mosquitoes using these top five strategies.
Protecting Your New Home From TermitesLearn how to protect your home from termites before the pests set in. Use these simple precautionary steps to protect your investment from damage.
Treating Termites in TreesTermites which infest the trees on your property can cause a lot of damage. This article explores how the nests get started, what to look for and how to treat the infested trees.
What to Do About Bow BugsBugs that attack violin, viola and cello bows are a nuisance but a simple problem to treat and prevent. If you play violin or viola or cello long enough it will eventually happen. You will open your case and retrieve your bow. And even though you know for sure that you have been properly caring for and maintaining your bow, several hairs on your bow are broken off.
How Important Is Pest Control?Pest Control is of growing importance in owing to the huge range of problems that can be caused due to pest infestations. Proper measures should be taken up on time to avoid such infestations.
6 Things You Need to Know About Pest Control in DubaiYou’ve decided that it’s time to get rid of those pests. Before you call in a pest control company, do understand a little bit more about pest control rules, regulations and don’ts in Dubai and in the UAE.
First Stage Termite TreatmentsWhen termites are found inside a home, there are generally two stages of treatment. This article looks and the pros and cons of the first stage – getting the termites out of your home.
The Break-Down: Pricing For Pest Control CompaniesWhile you can protect yourself from burglars and other human intruders, you cannot truly protect yourself from animals and pests. Pest control companies are there to help remove these unwanted guests at an affordable price so that we can continue living life without worries.
Common Household Pest Entry PointsCommon household pests enter your home from a variety of points. Here we cover the 9 most common entry points!
What You Did Not Know Regarding the Persistent PestsPests like termites are a nightmare for every home. They do not only munch through the wood in the foundation and the walls of your property but they are also hard to detect. However, there’s much more to these pests than you may think.